Mango Family Vacation

Slow news day on the blog so its vacation photo time. (Bill you better start posting).
We fired up the camper and headed west to the annual EAA airplane fly in and airshow in Oshkosh, Wisconsin.
On the way out we made a quick detour off the Ohio turnpike and headed into Drew Carey land - Cleveland. Perfect opportunity to visit the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, and we weren't disappointed.
Right on the shores of Lake Erie, next to the Cleveland Brown's Stadium it is an impressive building. Unfortunately they were incredibly strict with the no photo policy, with eagle eyed guards on the watch at every exhibit. They even cautioned Donna when she was just sending a text message to keep the phone low on the horizon.
All the exhibits were great and a spotlight exhibit on one of my favorite groups, The Doors was well done. Including, for you Alexandria Fans, a set of report cards for Jim Morrison from George Washington High School in Alexandria. His actual High School Diploma was signed by Superintendent of Schools, T.C. Williams.
The few photos I have are lobby shots, which are permitted.
Roy Orbison's 1967 Red Corvette, 4 speed, 427 engine with side pipes. He drove this classic until his death in 1988.
Dakota helping to dock the ore freighter William G. Mather, which is on display for the touristas.
... next stop Chi Town.
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