Bethany Beach Landing

This vessel the Peterson started breaking up 14 miles off shore and called the Coast Guard for help. Just check out the first picture to get an idea of the seas it faced. Unfortunately one crewman was killed during the rescue. Incident happened on Monday May 12th.
Here's a press release from the ships owner:
Ken Hayes, President of Aqua Survey, the company who owned the vessel released this statement:
This morning the liftboat Russell W. Peterson sent out a distress signal to the US Coast Guard.
The Peterson had been offshore Rehoboth Beach, DE, studying bird migration. The Coast Guard
is to be commended for dispatching rescuers by both sea and air. The Peterson was staffed by
two captains. Both were removed by the Coast Guard. We have been informed that one of the
captains did not survive the ordeal. Aqua Survey is not releasing names at this point. Our hearts
and prayers are with the family and friends of the lost mariner.
Aqua Survey will work closely with the Coast Guard and other agencies to safely and quickly
salvage the vessel.
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