End of Era • Ramparts Sold

I bought Ramparts six years ago from one of my best friends, Rob Zimmerman, who was the original owner of Ramparts when it opened in 1978. He was partners with Ben Benson, who Zimm later bought out and Ben went on to open Southside 815 in Old Town.
After six years it was time for a change and I received an offer from Tom Jackson and Steve Mann, owners of Shooter McGee's (my original joint on Duke St) to take over Ramparts. Ten months later it was a done deal.
Steve and Tom plan on keeping the name, concept and staff at Ramparts as they believe it's tradition as a great neighborhood restaurant should remain.
Look for them to spend some money in upgrades, especially in the pub room. The next few months there should be exciting times.
Pixs of me with Joannie, who has been a staff staple at that location even before Ramparts, with 33 years of customer pleasing satisfaction.
Vena the head day cook with 24 years of good grub.
Vena, Hector and Jose.
Good luck to all. And thanks to Linda Farmer, GM, and all the Ramparts staff for all their excellent work over the years.
Thanks for the memories.
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