Haitian Relief Night Monday 1-25-10

The Island on Duke Street, will be hosting a Haitian
Benefit Dinner Dinner to Raise funds to help our our Caribbean Friends
in Desperate need. "Mango" Mike Anderson has agreed to donate 25% of
Dinner Sales on Monday January 25. "We have a long tradition of
supporting local Alexandria based Charities" Says Mr. Anderson, "but
we felt that with our Caribbean theme and the magnitude of this
tragedy, we would help to raise some funds for those in need outside
of the local area."
25% of dinner sales will given to Save the Children recommended by ABC
Channel 7 in Washington. Save the Children is responding to the
children and families most affected by Tuesday’s devastating
earthquake in Haiti. The agency, which has worked in Haiti for 25
years, has emergency responders on the ground there now, working to
meet the immediate needs of families – including food, water, shelter
supplies — and making sure that children separated from their families
are safe.
Additional funds will be accepted from those wishing to donate more.
Alexandrians are encouraged to come out to dine at Mango Mike's to
help support the cause.
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