The Bike Ride and Hanna - Washed Out

This was the weekend for the big bike ride along the C & O canal to raise funds for the Alzhiemers Association. My brother Paul had driven 500 miles from Michigan to participate in this challenging 100 mile ride. (There was a 184 mile version also, but the Anderson brothers wussed out on that one.)
Looking out the bus window on Saturday morning we knew the day was going to be tough.
The bus dropped us off on the canal at Bills Bait and Brew, where in the rain we got our bikes, a quick lunch then hit the trail.
By this time it was raining pretty hard and the trail was muddy and loaded with puddles. We were ready for it and actually enjoyed the mud. Hitting every puddle with vengence.
When do you find time to work? I want to be just like you when I grow up. :-)
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