42" Reigns at Mango Mike's

Bill shown here in front of yet another new TV.
Come on down and check them out.
And being 100% Smoke Free the picture is clearer than ever.
Beer Soap

When you want the party to continue.
$5Thanks Bookofjoe.com
City Paper Votes Mango Mike's Best Caribbean Restaurant

Thank you to all that voted.
Bill says we're living the dream.
Kids, We Feed 'me, Not Eat 'em.

Thanks Failblog.org
The Mac Does it All

Macintosh a truly multitasking computer.
We have this model in the Mango office.
10 Fo $10

By poplular demand our Ten for $10 menu is back on the scene at Mango Mike's.
Sunday thru Thursday nights enjoy your choice of any of our 10 great entrees for only $10 each.
Karaoke & Restaurant night
I finally bent to the demands for Karaoke at Mango Mike's.
Starting tonight at 9:30 Karaoke in the Tiki Bar over our new JBL sound system. Tonight is also Restaurant night, so if you're in the biz and have no shifts tonight, Mango's is the place to be.
Highlights of Karaoke will be featured on YouTube.
42" TV's now arriving

This guy does it all. Last night he was cutting fresh Hawaiian fish and today he's hanging 42" HD TV's in the tiki bar. The man is unstoppable.
Quote Bill: "Ramparts installed a bunch of new TV's in their smokey pub room and we didn't want to be outdone. More HD TV's to come."
Fresh Hawaiian Fish Tonight

Just in Via Fed Ex.
This fish was caught in the Pacific off of Hawaii on Thursday and will be on your plate tonight and tomorrow.
Hawaiian Walu
Hawaiian Snapper
Only $19.95 for a complete dinner.
Bill seen here cutting the fresh fish.
Happy Birthday Jeannette

Now an official Babe. Happy BIrthday, Mango MIke

Now this is a mans grill.
From the Website:
It's a balmy 58 degrees in Boston today, and spring is just around the corner. Time to talk grills. What better place to start than the Imperial Grill, which is held together by pure testosterone?
Housed within this stainless steel propane-devouring beast are two separate ovens and two cooking surfaces that erupt with up to 60,000 BTUs. The looks are pretty pedestrian (where is Leonidas, screaming with fury on the facade?), but the sound of all those burners charring the food inside will probably make up for that minor quibble. Hope your neighbors like a little side of "wet their pants" with their steak.
The rig costs $1,800, which is also the amount of money you'll need to keep this thing running all the way through spring and summer. Keep an extra propane tank or ten handy.
Thanks Born RichLabels: A real Man's Grill

Hey all! Here is the official opening weekend information. Thursday the 26th I am going to open the bar at 9:30 p.m for our annual secret opening...shhhhhh!!! I will cook up some of my famous spicy hot dogs...ball park style. So, come on in for some free hot dogs and check out all the new upgrades at the MANGOBAR! Friday, we officially open our doors for 2009! We will be serving lunch and dinner, and we will have happy hour at the MANGOBAR from 1-6 p.m. AND YES...Reedo will play on Friday night from 9 p.m. until close! We are so excited to have Reed back for his 5th year of Fridays with Reedo!
Also, check us out on Myspace and Facebook. This is the best way for me to keep everyone posted on specials and upcoming events! So join the groups and find us on the web...it will be well worth it! Cheers, Alex
Cake of Resignation

Pretty unique way in tending your resignation. Let 'me eat cake.
From the website via Reddit.
Today I gave a two week's notice of my intent to resign. The letter was written in frosting on a full sheet size cake. The cake was delicious and it was well received.
"Dear Mr. Bowers,
During the past three years, my tenure at the Hunters Point Naval Shipyard has been nothing short of pure excitement, joy and whim.
However, I have decided to spend more time with my family and attend to health issues that have recently arisen. I am proud to have been part of such an outstanding team and I wish this organization only the finest in future endeavors.
Please accept this cake as not notification that I am leaving my position with NWT on March 27.
W. Neil berrett"
10 for $10 is Back!

By poplular demand our Ten for $10 menu is back on the scene at Mango Mike's.
Sunday thru Thursday nights enjoy your choice of any of our 10 great entrees for only $10 each.
New Weekend Format

Those of you that have been to Mango Mike's Alexandria on a weekend recently may have noticed a few changes other than the Smoke Free Atmos- phere. After 5 years of hosting DJ's on the weekends we felt it was time for a change, time to get back to our roots. We want to be known as a fun bar, a high energy place that reminds you of being on vacation in Key West (or Dewey Beach). We felt our current format was becoming too "clubby" and we didn't like the direction we were headed. Our friends at last Call Entertain- ment helped us bring in some local bands for the new format. We now bring Live Music Every Friday and Saturday Night. Fridays are usually more low key with Acoustic Groups covering all your favorite party/ bar songs. Saturdays we kick it up a notch and bring in full party bands a little bit louder but still just as fun. If you have not been by Mango Mike's late night in a while it is time to check it out. To see our current calender of Music
click hereFrom Top to Bottom
Dog Nation
Phil Kominski
Strangely Inappropriate
Crooked Landing
Grand Theft Radio
More Band Pictures

More Shots of our new friends.
Top to Bottom:
Karma Elektra
Sound Guys
Strangely Inappropriate
James & Ali
(from Rome in a Day)
Karma Elektra
Brian Moran's Pancake Breakfast

Brian Moran, our favorite candidate for Governor, had his annual pancake breakfast at Mango Mike's. Over 300 Democrats and one known Republican (Frank Fannon) posted for the breakfast feast.
The staff did a great job, Brian gave a short speech and the clown didn't scare too many kids. It was a perfect morning in Mango Land.
Brian Moran is the right candidate for Virginia.
This Weeks Brunch Deal

Plus the Trinidad Steel Drum Tunes of Michael George.
Brunch only $14.95 - 10am to 2pm every Sunday.
"Female Body Plate"

I think I'll pass this idea on to Hana Toyko over in Foxchase.
From the Website:
Cannabalistic Sushi – Tokyo, Japan
‘Nyotaimori’ in Japanese literally means ‘female body plate’, and this restaurant named after the tradition of eating sushi and sashimi off a nude woman’s body takes the concept to a whole new level. An edible body, with dough ‘skin’ and sauce ‘blood’ is wheeled into the room on a hospital gurney and placed upon a table. The hostess begins the meal by cutting into the body with a scalpel and then patrons dig in, operating on the body to reveal edible ‘organs’.

Hey Mango-Heads! Mango's in Bethany Beach will be re-opening its doors for Summer 2009 starting Friday March 27, 2009! I would love to see all of our regular customers again, and I am looking forward to meeting a whole new crew this summer. We have updated our happy hour menu to include tons of new inexpensive cocktails and beers! We are also starting a new Daily specials page in our cocktail menu to include more discounted prices on our drinks. ANY QUESTIONS EMAIL ALEX: HIDO80@GMAIL.COM
Absolutely the Worst Restaurant Idea Ever

What the hell was somebody thinking.
Can you imagine going to a bank for financing for this deal.
From the website:
Hitler’s Cross’, in Mumbai, India, understandably provoked a lot of anger from the community when it debuted in August of 2006. On display was a giant poster of Hitler, and the ‘o’ in ‘cross’ on the restaurant’s large illuminated sign contained a swastika. Just one week later, the restaurant was forced to change its name to the ambiguous ‘The Cross’ and remove all Hitler and nazi memorabilia.
The Dangers of NOT Drinking

THOSE who seek salvation in a bottle may have found their muse. Dr. Malcolm Lloyd, a Johns Hopkins and Dartmouth-trained physician and former pharmaceutical clinical researcher, will appear on "Good Morning America" this week to espouse the health benefits of daily drinking. "A lot of research shows that people who drink moderately flat-out live longer than those who don't," Lloyd tells Page Six. "From the pre vention of the common cold to the pre- vention of the onset of Alzheimer's to preventing certain types of cancer, regular drinking can be very beneficial." Whereas most research has focused on wine, he says spirits can provide the same boon. Lloyd notes that "moderation" means one to two drinks a day for women and one to three drinks a day for men, and, "the positive effects start going in the other direction" once those numbers are exceeded.
Creative Homeless Signs

You have to give it to these guys for creativity.
More Here
This Just Isn't Right

Modern Toilet - Taipei, Taiwan
From the website:
Perhaps the best-known strangely themed restaurant is Modern Toilet in Taipei, Taiwan, where hungry customers take a seat on Western-style commodes and enjoy feces-shaped chocolate soft serve in miniature toilet bowls. Toilet rolls are hung over the tables for use as napkins, and drinks come in miniature urinals. The toilet theme continues throughout the restaurant, with ‘WC’ signs hung as décor.
...and no Mango Mike's will not serve you in the restroom.
Win a Free Dinner

The first person who emails me the name of the guy featured in the cardboard cutout will receive a free dinner at Mango Mike's.
Del Peppers St. Patrick's Day Party

Saturday Alexandria Council Woman Del Pepper had a fantastic party at Mango Mike's following the record attended St. Patrick's Day Parade.
Entertainment by the Irish Breakfast Band and Irish Dancers.
We wanted to serve Jerk corned beef and cabbage, but Council Woman Pepper wouldn't budge, so we went traditional.
Completely Pitch Black Restaurant

Makes your date look even better.
Located in Beijing, China.
It’s often said that if you take away one or more of your senses, the remaining ones get stronger. That’s the idea behind Pitch Black, a Beijing restaurant where patrons eat in complete darkness. Illuminating devices like cell phones and watches are strictly forbidden, and it’s so dark you can’t see your hand in front of your face. Don’t think you can get away with any funny business, however – the waiters wear night-vision goggles.
Thanks reddit.com