Sunday, November 15, 2009


Here are some photos from last weeks storm. Ida...Ida...I don't know where the beach went. Even though Ida was a few hundred miles south of the coast...the combination of the low pressure and the high pressure to our north provided us the perfect stage for an unbelievable display of mother nature's wrath. The dune is all but gone north and south of the boardwalk. The jetties are fully exposed, and most of the walkways are hanging over the beach like diving boards. The beach is pretty much shut down with police issuing citations to anyone walking out on their precious walkways that now serve nothing more than another lousy way for the town to make money for the inevitable millions that will have to be spent to repair our "glorious dune." The dune may have saved the boardwalk...but now we have another mess/ money pit with this dune. Last year the town spent another 10 million fixing a small mess from last winter. Many people coining Bethany's Boardwalk "$33 million dollar boardwalk"! Hopefully we are declared a federal emergency and we get some Obama Bucks. Bethany was bad...but other areas up and down the coast were hit just as hard. Houses were lost in Outer banks...and rt 12 just reopened. A huge 3 story barge washed up in va. are there under Power was out for hours...even days is some spots. Most of the businesses were closed...Bethany Blues mostly underwater. Mango's remained open...serving as a hub for public viewing of the conditions. We should have charged $5 a head...we would be rich. The stormy conditions left us late Friday, and inland bay flooding is still present in Bethany and down Route 1. The bridge remains closed. Chelsea and I had quite the experience heading over the bridge on the ocean met the bay and slammed into the middle barracades. I couldn't believe it! We were one of the last cars over the bridge before DelDot shut her down. Needless to awesome storm that many believe was the worst since 62'! I have more photos on my facebook page...CHEERS...ALEX

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Best way to eat your Jerk Wings at the new 747 Happy Hour

New 747 Happy Hour at Mango Mike's Alexandria
(7 days a week 4-7 PM)
with $1 Drafts and bar eats menu starting at $3.95
Heres a interesting video on the best way to get the most bang for your buck on Jerk Wings.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Captain Morgan Visits Mango's

Captain Morgan and the Captainettes at Mango Mike's Alexandria

Monday, November 09, 2009

NEW 747 Happy Hour Mango's Alexandria

7 Days a Week 4-7 PM

$1 Drafts 4-7 everyday
$2.95 Rails, House Wine and Frozen Mango Ritas
and New $3.95 Bar Eats Menu

Halloween Photos

Heres a few shots from Halloween Weekend. Couple Great parties and the Joint looked extra spooky. Thanks to everyone that got into the Halloween Spirit. Many More photos at the Mango Mike's Alexandria Facebook Page

Sunday, November 01, 2009

More Lee Street Pixs

Halloween in Old Town

On Lee Street. Had to leave early due to rain, but was able to capture some of the crowd.