New Beach Cam in Bethany

Check out the Boardwalk and ocean from the Mango's deck on the official Town of Bethany Beach website.
Cam Here
Great Story

This family decided to grab the kids and hit the road on this 5 person "tandem" bike. With only $300 in their pockets they left their home in Kentucky and are heading to Alaska. (Probably to see Gov. Palin). So far they have made it to San Fransico. You can follow them on their blog and if you wish donate to their trip via Pay Pal. (Mango' sent some money). You can also follow them on Facebook.
BlogThanks Kevin Kelly
Bar Sign

Sounds like just the place I want to take the Mangoettes.
It Doesn't Get Any Better Than This

Bottle opener built into the remote. Now if you have a small fridge next to your Laz-y-Boy you never have to leave to open that Corona.
More Info Here.Thanks and
Best Warning Sign
What can you do with 12,500 plastic bottles?

Build a catamaran of course. Call it Plastiki and sail it from Australia to San Fransico over a three month period.
Check out their website and follow their journey across the Pacific.
Click Here
Hey everyone,
It't that time of year again. MANGOS at the beach reopens this weekend! We will be running just weekend for the time being. It's hard to believe that one month ago we were digging out of four plus feet of the white stuff, and now we are walking around in flip flops here at the beach! It has us all super excited to have all of our regulars back from the winter slumber...and it may even be warm enough to open our ocean front deck. Traditions rolling on this year again with Reedo playing every Friday night. I am back slinging the booze with the same old familiar faces that keep you all smiling ear to ear on your vacation or weekend getaways from the city. So make sure you say hey this weekend. Any questions on opening times, upcoming events, or any other details...don't hesitate to email me.
One Cool Sleeping Bag

Unique enough to make the Mangoblog site.
Click HereThanks
Bartender of the Month, Andres "Chucho" Lazo

Special Congratulations to Mango Mike's Alexandria Bartender Andres "Chucho" Lazo for being selected as Bartender of the Month in the Old Town Crier Magazine. Be sure to stop by soon and have Andres autograph a copy for you.
Click here for interview
Deck Open - (Partially)

Although the palm trees haven't arrived yet, we couldn't wait to take advantage of this great-we're-glad-winter-is-over weather.
Front cocktail section of the deck is open for the next couple of nights.
Here's a pix of the first group to enjoy this gorgeous St. Patrick's Day at Mango Mick's.
Can Grips

Although no cans at Mango Mike's, this would be great on the home patio. Only $9.98 for 6.
Click HereThanks
Talk about too much Government Control

A bill before the General Assembly in New York states that it will be illegal for a restaurant to add salt during the preparation of any meal.
You've got to be kidding me.
I can't believe this bill will pass, but stranger laws have passed.
Read in disbelief here
Delicious Food Rings

Cheaper than a diamond and lot more tasty.
Click HereThanks
St. Patrick's Day Parade - Old Town

The weather was parade perfect and everyone extremely tired of the winter drudge was out and in town. I don't know what the official numbers were, but it had to be record breaking attendance.
Our good friend Ken Lopez invited up to a St. Pat's party in his office overlooking the parade route, so we had the best of both worlds.
Hard Times w/ his cool 40's pickup and horse was in the parade as usual. And a new entry - Darth Vader, although I don't have a clue what his tie in w/ the Parade would be.