Leap Year Big Deal

For you mathematicians leap year happens in any year that is divisible by 4.
Next leap year on a Friday is 2036.
Lost Buddies

Nothing better than getting an email from a good friend you haven't seen in about 18 years.
I thought this guy had gone to happy land.
Freddy Sohegian was in a bar in Puerta Vallarta Mexico drinking cheap tequila when he engaged in some light conversation with some tourista's at the bar. Finds out these ladies were in from Alexandria, Va. and not only did they know me, but one of them worked at my old joint, Shooter McGee's. Now the stories start flying like tennis balls out of a training machine. This spurs Freddy to search me out, like a dog. Really made my day as Ms. Donna and I had a lot of fun with this guy, even to the point he and the ex Mrs. Sohegian joined us on our honeymoon to Club Med St. Lucia.
You never know what the next email is going to bring.
Pix of Freddy and one of the many ex-Mrs. Sohegians, circa 1990.
I love ya, man.
Bar Owner Fights Crime

Believe it or not, Rufus Terrill, owner of a downtown Atlanta bar named O'Terrills, has had it with the drug dealers, vandals, and other riff-raff that frequent the area around his business. So, he has done what any sane American man would do in this situation—build a robot out of a meat smoker to lay down the law. The "BumBot," as many of O'Terrills' patrons have dubbed it, is basically a meat smoker mounted onto a three-wheeled scooter. Armaments include a spotlight, loudspeaker, water cannon and an infrared camera. Plus, the whole thing is covered in rubber for protection.
When necessary, Terrill fires up the 400lb device and powers it from afar with a remote control. Using the control and a walkie-talkie, he approaches the vagrants around his bar and a local day care center to inform them via the robot's loudspeaker that they are trespassing on private property. If that doesn't do the trick, he gets rough with the water cannon. Apparently the robot has been so successful that the owner of the day care facility wishes she had three more just like it.
Naturally, some have objected to the use of the robot, saying that it is inhumane—especially towards the homeless. However, Terrill insists that his creation is intended only to fight drug dealers and other criminals. If that is true, the way I see it, if you can successfully fight crime screaming like a lunatic armed only with a squirt gun, more power to you.
At Mango's we're keeping our smokers intact, unless of course GM Bill starts missing any more laptops.
Thanks Gizmodo.com

We don't recommend this for your next meal at Mango's, but it might be great in the cafeteria at Bishop Ireton during Sophmore lunch.
From the website:
Everyone knows you shouldn’t play with your food. But hey -
sometimes you have to defend your dinner! Now there’s a new
weapon in your homeland security arsenal - load up a particularly
mushy pea or corn niblet, aim, pull back the spring-loaded handle,
and watch your food take flight. ZING! It’s WAY more fun than a war
of words.
Thanks BookOfJoe.com
Stolen Laptop Update
Thanks to the Alexandria Police Department, the stolen laptop has been recovered. Two suspects were arrested and are awaiting their day in court. I am very grateful that things worked out, I guess sometimes the good guys do win. Special thanks to the APD (Officer Hill, Detective Ingnacio, Sgt Wienart) and everyone else that helped find the computer rather than just file a report. Job well done.
valentine's day

Whew, another successful Valentine's Day here at Mango's. Our $24.95 3 course feature proved to be popular and the feedback from the guests was very positive. The Super Shellfish Pasta and Calamari Salad were huge favorites. If you didn't make it, don't worry, you'll see these dishes again in the next few weeks. Hope everyone had a great Valentine's day
Westminster Dog Show

Jenna and I went to NYC this past week to check out the city and get some new restaurant ideas. While there we decided since we are both dog lovers we would check out the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show at Madison Square Garden. For dog people the event was a blast, the show lasts for two whole days and while it is going on attendees are encouraged to meet the dogs, owners and handlers. We had a great time meeting all the different breeds of dog that represented the best of the best. To my surprise everyone was very friendly and would freely let you play with their highly prized pooches. The beagle was a huge favorite and ended up winning best in show, which is the top award. This is a shot of Jenna with the Winner of Best in Breed for the Chinese Crested (Which to me looks like a small dog version of a Budweiser Clydesdale.)
iWave Cube, the personal portable microwave

There comes the time in every young person's life where they decide to graduate from the microwave to the stove. And fail miserably. Now instead of retreating dejectedly back to the kitchen microwave, where the rest of the appliances can point and make fun, you can hide your shame with the iWave Cube. The little microwave measures one cubic foot , and weighs just 12 pounds. Unfortunately, you'll still need to plug it in, so there's a limit to how far you can run. The iWave Cube comes in black, red or silver, and retails for $130.
BUY HEREThanks Engaget
This Week's Dumb Coupon
One Serious Blender by Wolfgang Puck

This Wolfgang Puck Power Blender is possibly the most powerful blender ever. Even with the glass container filled to its 50-oz. capacity, this blender features 6 blades that rotate clockwise, and 4 stirring blades that rotate counter-clockwise simultaneously to ensure blades will not get stuck. 1,000-watt professional blender can crush ice without adding liquid. Patented automatic system reverses blade direction if slowing occurs . Safety-interlocking arm. Computer-controlled blender speed stays constant. Kitchen appliance features die-cast aluminum housing and a sturdy glass jar. Great for preparing fresh pesto, grinding spices, and quickly blending the smoothest icy drinks. $129.
ORDER HEREThanks Uber Review
Fat Tuesday

Another Great Fat Tuesday Party at Mangos, plenty of free beads, masks and feather boas
Oscar climbed 30 ft up through the HVAC ducts to throw beads out of our makeshift "Bourbon
St Balcony" to the party crowd below

Island Gerry was a crowd favorite as always!!!
Plenty of Fun, can't wait for next year.


Sad time of year as all the palm trees have finally succumb to the cold. Out comes the chain saw and down comes the trees, seems like a waste. Unfortunately it's just not practical to bring in a backhoe, hire a flat bed truck and find a warm storage area for the winter.
New trees will be in around the first week of May.
Keep the Love Alive

Mango's Special Valentines Day Celebration.
Cool Coconut Drinks for 2.
Roses for the Ladies
Special Lovers Dinner Specials
Taxi Alternative

This is a great idea, one I wish I came up with. This company will drive you and your car home from the bar, eliminating the hungover ride in the morning to find your car.
From the website:
Never wait for two taxi's or pay a round-trip taxi fare again. Stop hassling the next morning with getting your car back, don't leave your car behind, and avoid parking tickets; most importantly, you have the peace of mind that comes with not risking it.
Our prices are 20 dollars pickup fee plus 3 dollars per mile. If the trip is 5 miles, it would be: $20 base fee + $3 per mile for 5 miles = $35.
Drivers Incorporated website
February's Real Deal

You know the specials never quit coming from your Island on Duke Street.
All month long you can enjoy are Island Sizzlers for only $9.95. Your choice of Steak, Shrimp or Chicken served on sizzlin' platter.