Portable Salad Bar

I'll bet you could use this also for a beer display at your next JBuffett Gig.
From their website:
Inflatable salad bar Fill with ice, keep food chilled for hours and serve large crowds indoors or out! Extra large, rectangular serving station with 12 x 42" interior accommodates multiple serving bowls. The size, light weight and portability make this a no-brainer for parties, picnics, camping, and more. PVC, 54 x 24". $29.95
CLICK HEREThanks BookOfJoe.com
Palm Trees on the Way

We always look forward to this time of year we call Plantin' Season at Mango's. Two truckloads of palm trees are due to arrive Thursday at Mango's to recreate our exterior Island atmosphere. Although the front deck is currently open, it looks pretty dreary out there (like most of the decks in town) without all our tropical plantings.
Here's a couple of shots from last years planting.
Anything for a Buck

I was at a Charity auction last weekend for Rescued Animals (there should have a been an auction for Rescued Mango Mike Customers). And the auction took an ugly unexpected turn as witnessed by the photo.
I was able to raise $3,100 by shaving off only half of my mustache, the other half unfortunately raised nada as the damage was already done.
The barber in question was some goat shaver from Texas, who showed no mercy. But he also donated a $1,000 for the shaving privilege.
This was not an easy deal as I've haven't had this stache off in 30 years. Neither Mrs. Mango or the mangoettes have ever seen me lip naked. So it was quite the shock when I returned home.
But anything for the poor doggies.
Spontaneous Limbo

A few after work drinks turned into a spur of the moment limbo match for a few Mango Customers. Maybe it was the spring like weather or the potent Fishbowls but Candi, Marco, Beth and Chad really got into the Island Vibe on their latest trip to Mango Mike's. Thanks guys see you next time.
OnTap Magazine's Top Golf Bar League

Team Mango held up well at the first week of the Top Golf Restaurant & Bar Golf League. Team Mango Members, Brian Burnham, Dave Mowry, Grant Schulte and Bill Blackburn had a great time. We might not have exactly destroyed the competition, but we definitely destroyed a few cases of Bud Light Aluminum Bottles. The league runs for three Mondays, Team Mango has made a few slight adjustments to our game and we look good to make a run for the trophy in the next two weeks.
Other Pictures, Team Mango with Event Sponsor Guiffre Distributing's Mike Guiffre and Wayne Biggs.
Brian Burnham lines up a drive.
Dave Mowry with perfect form.
Happy Birthday Danielle

Mangoette Danielle (the roast) is celebrating her first birthday away from home. Currently a student at Northwood in Michigan, I'm sure she's having much better time than sitting around the dining table with mom and dad.
So Roast, Happy Birthday from the tribe. You're the best.
Love, MangoDad
This Week's Mango Deal
Parrothead Check Presentation

The Washington Area Parrot Head Club (WAPHC) used their favorite watering hole, Mango Mike's, as the venue to present the Alzheimers's Association with a rather large donation. The staff at Mango's helped make the New Year's Eve fundraising event aboard the Cherry Blossom a success.
For more info on the WAPHC
Click Here. Mango Mike's is always willing to do what we can to make your charity event possible.