Best Restaurant Ad this Month

Visible from planes arriving at and departing from Denver International Airport, the 6-acre display, a mile from the airport and about 30 miles from downtown Denver, was created in a Commerce City, Colorado wheat field by earthworks artist Stan Heck, whose team required some 600 hours over three weeks to make it.
It's topped with pepperoni (red mulch), green peppers (corn stalks), black olives (black mulch) and cheese (harvested wheat), cost $50,000, and should remain visible until the first snowfall.
Tip optional
Fish and Flush

If you're looking for the perfect gift for GM Bill, look no further.
Bill maintains all the Mango Mike's fishtanks, no easy task when two of them hold 600 gallons each. So this would make the perfect present.
He can read the paper and enjoy the fish simultaneously.
From their website:
Kit Includes:
Two-Piece Aquarium Tank
Dual-Filter System With Pump
Two-Nine-Inch Artificial Plants
Basic Aquarium Guide
Flushing System
Flush Valve
Fill Valve
$299Thanks Uber-Review and BookofJoe
Staying Power

Coming back from setting up for the Chamber's golf tournament I stopped in at B & J's carryout on Rt 210 in Southern Maryland. When I had the restaurant in Port Tobacco, MD (The Old Port Inn, In the 70s) I always stopped at the B&J during my trips up to DC to see my buddies.
This carry out has been around now for 60 years.
Pretty amazing in the restaurant business when sometimes places only last less than a year. (IE Eastport Oyster Bar in Fairfax, City).
But I'm not surprised. As you can see by the photos the place is kept extremely clean, the food is good and service is prompt.
Of course every good carry out has a business card board.
I hope B&J's is around for another 60 years.
Free Appetizer

More Free Food from your Island on Duke Street.
Bethany Beach Still Stroking

Families are still pouring in to Bethany Beach and Mango's to enjoy the final weeks of summer.
Here are just a few of the fine folks that dined with us this weekend.
St. Mary's BBQ

Principal Janet Cantwell of St. Mary's School in Old Town, opted to throw a BBQ for all the kids coming back to school this fall. I never remember my grade school principal being this nice.
So Janet callled for the Mango Mike's A Team to come on down and throw the bash.
Bill, Julio, Oscar, Mangoette Chelsea and myself grilled away for about 2 hours. 800 burgers and 450 hot dogs later we had a BBQ. Notice that Julio (red shirt) has got the wind direction figured out.
With the help of some 8th graders and a couple of mom's everyone was chowing down in no time.
What a great way to start the school year.
Fresh Fish Tonight Alexandria Mango Mike's
Tonight Chef Andres is featuring two very unique seafood treats:
Tasmanian King Salmon:
"There is no finer tasting salmon in the world. Picked from the Pacific Ocean's coldest depths, this salmon species is stacked with omega three oil. Bright candy orange meat and fatty white membranes are zebra patterned in a visually rich presentation."
Chef Andres tells me that this is the best cut of Salmon he has ever seen.
Hawaiian Monchong:
A super fresh Snapper flown in today from Hawaii, This is always a popular fish with our guests, tonight it will be prepared in a soy sesame brandy sauce.
These are only available while our small supply lasts so come early. Hope to see you tonight.
Alexandria Chamber Golf Outing

We had the pleasure of catering the Chamber's golf outing yesterday was some of Bubba Mike's great BBQ.
Simply a beautiful day out at Potomac Ridge Golf Course in Southern Maryland, just outside of Waldorf.
We couldn't just leave the beverage cart alone so we had to decorate it as a mobile tiki bar. Seen here with one of the organizers Roger Parks and wife Georgina.
The had about 125 golfers who participated on this nice course.
Pix of Wilhelm from the Potomac Riverboat Co. (Cherry Blossom) with boat namesake, son, Matthew Hayes.
Free Dessert

We know you don't need a good reason to visit Mango Mike's. But a little free food never hurts.
My favorite: Bermuda Bread Pudding with Jamaican Rum Sauce.
Olympian Fever

Local Baltimore wonderfish Michael Phelps may have 8 Golds. But the Mango's Staff has voted Leryn Franco of Paraguay the best looking.
She competes in the women's javelin throw.
She works off Olympic season as a catwalk model when she's not harpooning.
Happy Anniversary Trisha

Trisha Haines and her husband Fred celebrated their 30th wedding anniversary this past weekend with a huge party at their Manassas home. I can't believe Fred has put up with her that long!!!! Just kidding Trish we love you. Trish has worked for Mango Mike nearly 20 years and is the head server at the Alexandria Mangos. Cheers guys
bloggers note: No, that is not Hulk Hogan, it really is Trisha's Husband.
Happy Birthday Jeff

Jeff ( AKA sunday Brunch Jeff) celebrates his birthday with a big bash every year at Mango Mike's Alexandria. This years party included 2 bands (Island Gerry, outside on the deck and The Calypso Nuts inside on the main stage) and a huge Island buffet for his 100 plus guests. Great Party Jeff, can't wait for next year.
Customer of the Week

Jerry Winchester.
Thanks for all the business, dedicated support and loads of advice.
Mango Mike and Staff
Even More Tony Hanagan

The Hanagans are going to accuse me of stalking them.
I was going thru some of my backup drives last night looking for some tiki drink photos for Mango's and came across this photo.
Taken about 5 years ago at older brother Michael's graduation from Blessed Sacrament. I have to say one handsome family.
You can tell that even at that age Tony was going to growup to be one cool dude. And he has.
Go Tony.
In the interest of full disclosure he's a pix of the Anderson tribe at the same event.
Staffs Old and New

Here's Patty on the far right. She and I worked on Duke Street in the 80's. She was at Bombay Bicycle Club, which later became Mango's Mike's #2, and I was working up the street at Shooter McGee's. ...and no, even though she is hot, we never dated.
While I'm still running food and bussing tables, she's moved on to the big time down in Charlottesville, Va. living the dream. Go Patty
The couple in middle (her step daughter) are getting married next weekend, so it's once last single fling at Mango's.
Here's the new staff, who kids I'll be serving about 5 years down the pike.
Good Beach Times

We had a lot of fun customers at the beach last night.
Really makes the night enjoyable when everyones having a great time.
The kids always make me laugh.
The three boys and I kept on doing High Fives all night. I guess they were just showing me how much they enjoyed their delicious Mango Mike's meal.
Check out the rising full moon over the calm ocean. Just an incredible night.
Some more pixs.
Summer Still Strong at the Beach

Lot of great customers in this weekend at Mango Mike's in Bethany Beach. Some families returning with their kids who now have kids. Not surprising as this is our 11th season.
And a few birthdays.
As Jimmy Buffett says "Weather is here, wish you were beautiful".
Bomb Set for the Patio

This is not an Intercontinental Ballistic Missile head or an old World War II V-2 bomb or an alien monolith, but a set of table and chairs that will transform any terrace into a chill-out lounge, sans the Margarita and Manhattan cocktails. Here is how it unfolds:
No idea on price or even supplier. But its looks pretty cool.