Pork Barrel BBQ

Mango Mike's Newest BBQ Concept Joins Forces with Areas Hottest BBQ Team.
We are pleased to announce that we signed a deal and are now teamed with Brett Thompson and Heath Hall, The DC Metro areas hottest BBQ Team, to bring a Pork Barrel BBQ Restaurant to the Del Ray Neighborhood of Alexandria. The Restaurant is currently under construction and we are extremely thrilled to soon be working with Brett and Heath, who are both extremely knowledgeable BBQ Guys.
Brett and Heath have been hard at work the past year with BBQ competitions and already have quite a few accolades and awards. The Pork Barrel Restaurant's Signature Sauce and Rub is already available in all Harris Teeters and several other Grocery locations in the VA,DC and MD area.
Check out the Pork Barrel Boys Here.
Volunteer Alexandria Fundraiser

Here at Mango Mike's Alexandria we are always looking to help out our local charities. Yesterday, we hosted an event for the Volunteer Alexandria Group. We donated a portion of the evenings dinner sales to this worthy Alexandria based organization and helped them spread the their word in the progress. Thanks to everyone from Volunteer Alexandria for Making this another great night at Mangos.
Volunteer Alexandria Website Click HerePictured above from left to right: Bill (Mango Mike's), Scooter Slade (Alexandria's Volunteer of the Year Award Winner) and Melinda Patrician (Executive Director, Volunteer Alexandria).
Last Day - Get Wet

The kitchen team at the beach has started a tradition when it's your last night is Tsuamni Time. They show no mercy when it comes to the water show.
It was Pickels last night and they just let her have it with about 5 buckets of water, Danielle got caught in the crossfire and was doused too.
This right on the heels of Windell's appearance so it was a fun night at the beach.
Windell Middlebrooks from Miller High Life

Windell made a huge splash at Mango's Bethany Beach this weekend.
He has adapted quite well to his celebrity status and everyone just ate it up. Really an all out fun night as Windell was everywhere in the restaurant. Behind the bar, in the kitchen, at tables with customers - it was great.
Celebrity at Mango's Bethany Beach

Miller Lite Spokesman Windell Middlebrooks will be in the restaurant Saturday night from 7 - 8pm
Autographs - NO CHARGE, but you might have to drink a Miller Lite.
Is This a Great House or What

For a couple in Mexico City who wanted to get back to nature. The Nautilus House. Very Cool.
More HereThanks bookofjoe.com

On the way back from working the beach, I always stop at Farmer Dan's late at night to pickup my pre ordered, freshly picked white sweet corn. Arriving at Mango Mike's about 3am to drop it off so that it's ready for the kitchen staff that morning.
I was depressed to find that someone had tagged our newly painted catering truck earlier that evening. Although the paint had dried, it was not completely set.
With the immediate help of Walter, Osman, Mark, Pedro and Brian we attacked the paint with TSP and green scrubby pads and 45 minutes later - clean truck.
Now these guys were all tired from working the last 10 hours, but they made it happen. Great team.
Psycho Donuts
You got to be crazy for this one.
Stop in for a Bi Polar Donut. The Bipolar, half chocolate frosting and nuts, half coconut flakes.
From ABC News.
"Jordan Zweigoron, the owner of a little café in a strip center in Campbell, California, called Psycho Donuts, has found a way to attract both customers and unwanted media attention. It seems that his mental illness themed business is politically incorrect.
n Zweigoron's shop, Psycho Donuts, customers are handed bubble wrap to pop as they come through the door. Cashiers dress in old-fashioned nurses' outfits and patrons can get their picture taken in straight jackets near a mock padded room before they head out to sit in the "group therapy area".
Various strange confections such as The Bipolar, half chocolate frosting and nuts, half coconut flakes, the Manic Malt, and the Massive Head Trauma are served up by cashiers dressed up as old fashioned nurses. The Massive Head Trauma, a jelly filled doughnut with a frosting face with the letter "X" for eyes, is a special big seller.
Some people, Oscar Wright, CEO of the United Advocates for Children and Families, are not amused. Wright especially sees Psycho Donuts as being stigmatizing toward people with mental illness. "Here in California we've got approximately 1 million kids who have a mental health disorder and 600,000 of them will not receive appropriate treatment," he said. "Why is that? One is an issue of resources. But there are many parents who simply don't move forward with early prevention with their child because of social stigma," Wright said. "How do I know that? Because I was one of those parents."
The controversy appears to be that of Jordan Zweigoron's right to run a business and name his products whatever he wants to name them and people such as Oscar Wright who think that naming fattening food after mental conditions is somehow socially stigmatizing. One would want to have some kind of hard numbers that calculate the number of mentally ill people who do not seek treatment because of the social stigma and the number who do not do so because of some silly confection named CocoMarbles.
Good thing or not?
Starbucks under the Radar w/ New Name
Hoping to compete with the local Mom & Pop coffee shops (Watch out Nora at St. Elmo's in Del Ray), Starbucks is launching a line of new coffee shops called 15th Ave. Coffee and Tea.
From the Chicago Tribune:
"In the continued flailings of the Starbucks chain, here's a new one: the stealth Starbucks store.
A Seattle outlet of the 16,000-store coffee behemoth is being rebranded without visible Starbucks identifiers, as 15th Avenue Coffee and Tea.
Two other stores in Starbucks' native Seattle will follow suit, each getting its own name to make it sound more like a neighborhood hangout, less like Big Coffee, a Starbucks official told The Seattle Times on Thursday."
Never Change, Never Will

Pepsi has changed it's logo 11 times since founded in 1898. Coca Cola hasn't changed once. You gotta love consistency.
I promise you'll never see the Mango Mike's Logo change.
Labels: 11
Rice Paddy Murals

This rice paddy art started in a village north of Tokyo about 16 years ago as a way to promote the town. It's apparently working.
I've been thinking about a Mango Man logo in the rice.
This might explain why you're getting some colored rice in your Uncle Ben's box.
More here thanks to Book of Joe.com